Saturday, May 7, 2011

Labeling Others

Don't label people... The direction YOU think their life should go could be farther from what God has planned than anything else in their life.
This is often true with Pastor / Preacher kids.
There was a pastor (he went home about 10 years ago) who took over a church, he (with God's leading) built it up to the point of moving to another location. He never got to hold service in the building that now stands (like Moses not getting to enter the Promised Land), but his wife was voted in as pastor (I believe, to carry on the vision). Their son was the Music Minister and did so VERY well. The son started a group, going around to different churches to minister and several years later felt led to another church. While there he continued his group for a while. The pastor that he was under resigned, and the leaders of the church (youth, kids, etc.) all stepped down also, as was their ordinances for that denomination. They appointed him "temporary" youth leader. He the felt the Lord call him to quit the singing group, and he was officially the Youth Leader.

Several years later I was speaking with another pastor who said: "It was a slap in the face to his father."
I wasn't really as wise (still not very wise) about such things at the time, but over the years (since that conversation about the son) have thought of what the proper response was for this accusation.

This pastor thought the son should have carried on. That son listened to the voice of God, as he had MANY times since he was called to minister in music (his early to mid teen years). The son was labeled "Future Pastor" of the church that his dad and mom built up. I was watching "A Snoodles Tale" with the kids the other day and this is what came to my mind. Granted the movie was talking in general about everyone labeling others, but it also points to this. If a person steps into a ministry he or she does not belong in they will DESTROY it instead of building it up. Do not label the pastor's son or daughter to carry on in the line that mom and dad are going down. Preacher don't always "begat" preachers.
We should be watchful and ready to help others when they fall or head down the wrong road, not there to criticize what we THINK they should be doing. God has a plan for each person. Sometimes children are given the same vision as their parents, other times God will lead them down a whole other path.

Listen to what GOD is saying to you, NOT what everyone else is telling you. That doesn't mean that He won't use another person to tell you something. That just means If it doesn't line up with what God is telling you, then you need to steer clear of the path they are trying to drag you on.