Friday, April 10, 2009

Have You Really Tried HIM?

How many times have you truly searched for Him? Did you go to church once or twice, not really wanting to be there, just so you could say you went and didn't "FEEL" anything? Jeremiah 29:13 says: "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." (NIV)

Many times we go to church and aren't really interested in knowing this Jesus that a few, compared to the rest, seem to be obsessed with. But a question that never seems to get answered is, "Why are YOU so afraid to be a christian?"

How many times do you feel something, but are afraid of what your friends will think if you "give in?" I will admit, it's not easy trying to be a christian and have to work, live, and spend everyday life around people that aren't. But if you ask Him, God will help you through your everyday life.
I know a man who had to work around a guy that liked to swear all of the time and he said to God one day, "Lord if you don't shut him up I'm gonna have some testimony tonight" and when that guy tried to swear around him, the other guy couldn't even talk when he wanted to swear. I'm Not saying make that your prayer, but if you pray about the situations you are having to face, HE WILL HELP YOU.

James 5:16 says "....The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."

How many times have you actually took a problem to God and let Him take care of it, and if things went different then you expected, thought "Oh well, I must not really be saved, because my prayer didn't get answered." I heard a friend make the statement one time that God doesn't say "NO"... He say "Yes", "Not Now", or "I Have Something Better". Don't Give up... Keep on SEEKING HIM. He is the only one that can really help you. You never know when He will send the answer.

If you give up now, you might miss your chance tomorrow. So keep pressing on, God WILL BLESS you for your work.

God Bless You for reading,
David Pate

1 comment:

  1. I've been an Atheist since the age of 14... since a young age I've always questioned everything. Everything from Government to Religion. I remember a time in the 5th grade a teacher once said to us her father died believing we never landed on the moon. I even questioned that after a lot of research I discovered he had a good point to question that. Since the fifth grade I still don't believe we landed on the moon. What does this have to do with God?

    About the time I turned 13 I had a lot of shit happening in my life that made me wonder why would someone who claims to love and care about us do something like that? I started searching for that answer. No christian could give an answer except for, "God works in mysterious ways." I needed more than that. I needed proof that God actually existed. In my research of different religions including Buddhism, Satanism, Scientology, and others. I realized the only "religion" that worked for me was Atheism. With Science there is proof of everything. Everything from why we die to why we live. Sure the Big Bang theory is full of holes but at least they present some good evidence to support it. As far as I know every "miracle" in the bible has been proven from a scientific prospective.

    I understand why people feel the need to have a "god" in their life. They need a reason to lead a good life. Without the idea of an after life what point is there doing good for society if after your passing there is nothing? You want to feel that after your passing something good will come of it besides nothingness. But, I've excepted that after my death that I'll end up in the ground... nothing more. The idea of seeing loved ones who have passed and being able to watch over those of you who out live you is a nice dream but it's nothing more than that... a dream.

    I'll be watching your blog please respond to my comment. I'll be interested to see your reponse.
